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Birthday, 1997

Date: 24 Feb 1997 16:03
From: Lise Andreasen <XXX@XXX.dk>
Subject: Virtual party


You are all invited to my virtual birthday: this Sunday (March 2nd) I
will be 30 (or so the evil rumor has it). There'll be lots of virtual
cake and other food, and of course some virtual wine (doesn't give a

It will be very virtual, I'm not even near a computer connected to any of
you that day! But I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!

                0   0
                |   |
         0  :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:   0
         |  :           :   |
  0   :      V I R T U A L    :   0
  |   :/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/:   |
:                                   :
:         B I R T H D A Y! ! !      :
: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :

:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)

Any ideas to how we pull this one off??? :-)

"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved
it correct, not tried it."
                -- Donald Knuth

|  _   |   Lise Andreasen, XXX@XXX.dk, Copenhagen, Denmark
|_|_|  |   http://www.datashopper.dk/~saap/a/lise.html
  | |  |   Mike Oldfield, Isaac Asimov, Rubik's Cube   ><>

Created: 18 August, 2004 - Last changed: 14 February, 2006 - Comments (0)