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Strøtanker om hr. Y

Tags: Biologi Bog Filosofi Religion Scarlett Thomas Science fiction

Jeg er lige blevet færdig med at læse Mr. Y's forbandelse på engelsk (2006, på dansk 2008), af Scarlett Thomas, og her er et par strøtanker.

Jean Baudrillard. Martin Heidegger. Samuel Butler. Newton. Derrida. Edgar Allan Poe. Lamarck. Darwin. Schrödinger. Albert Michelson. Edward Morley. Einstein. Thomas Hardy. Tennyson. Edwin A. Abbott. Aristoteles. Platon. Hobbes. Locke. Gandhi. Wolfgang Pauli. Hvis du kender noget til dem (og et par andre), er du godt rustet til at læse de første 2-3 kapitler at denne bog.

Anmeldelser skrevet af andre: Litteratursiden.dk, Litteratur nu dk, Weekendavisen.

Og så et par citater:

Sometimes I try my own thought experiments, which goes as follows: what if everyone is actually right? Aristotle and Plato; David and Goliath; Hobbes and Locke; Hitler and Gandhi; Tom and Jerry. Could that ever make sense? And then I think about my mother and I think that no, not everyone is right. To paraphrase the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, she wasn't even wrong. Maybe that's where human society is now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century: not even wrong. The nineteenth-century crowd were wrong, on the whole, but we're somehow doing worse than that. We're now living with the uncertainty principle and the incompleteness theorem and philosophers who say that the world has become a simulacrum - a copy without an original. We live in a world where nothing may be real; a world of infinite closed systems and particles that could be doing anything you like (but probably aren't). (s.40)

Is God made from the thoughts of people, or are people made from the thoughts of God? (s. 53)

Har du læst alle de videnskabsmænd osv., jeg nævner ovenfor? Og giver det dig lyst til at læse denne bog? Eller har du allerede læst bogen, og var det så en fordel/ulempe, at du (ikke) kendte dem?

Skabt: 20. oktober, 2008 - Sidst ændret: 13. maj, 2009 - Kommentarer (0)