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New York, 2005
Tags: Events Me New York Pictures Vacation
In February 2005, a dream I had for many years came true. I was finally in USA, in New York City, in the unofficial capital of the world. Here's a few impressions from that week. Click a thumbnail picture to see the large version. - Having a dream for many years can spell disappointment. But on the first days, looking around at all those skycrapers, it hit me: I am here! Wow! | |
I planned to see "Rent". And cried as one of the main characters died. Quality musical! - All in all, a successfull vacation. |
Statue of Liberty
St. Pauls Chapel
Buddhist temple
Tall as a building
Washington Square
I was there
Tiles for America
Created: 4 April, 2005 - Last changed: 19 May, 2008 - Comments (0)