Mike Oldfield - Science fiction - Libellus - Lise Andreasen - Etc.
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Puzzle, 2003 - Aerobics, 2003 - Sunflowers, 2003 - Paintings, 2003 - New York, 2005

Puzzle, 2003

Over Christmas 2002, and January 2003, I worked with a very complicated puzzle - from a picture from Lord Of The Rings. At some point it seemed to me all the pieces were brown! But I did complete it. It was a relief to do the other side of the puzzle, so much easier. This show highlights how I did that latter puzzle, and then ends with a picture of the side effect: that I had completed the "brown" puzzle again as well.

Created: 18 August, 2004 - Last changed: 16 December, 2005 - Comments (0)