Mike Oldfield
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Hejsa! - - Pictures - Quotes - Songs - ![]() 1989-1998 - 1999-2000 - - 2003-2005 - 2005- - Logo Xmas, 2000 - Launch party, 2001 - - London, 2002 Week 1 - Weekend - - Conclusion - Addendum - All |
![]() Week 2The second week was called "Livskvalitet og livsfilosofi, der helbreder" (Quality of life and a life philosophy, which heals). The teacher was a guest, Søren Ventegodt, who is researching what can be said about physical health, quality of life and the connection between the two. He's a medical doctor too, and writes books.This course brought up a lot of anger and disappointment in me. Søren acted in a weird way. We made teams of 2 for the week, and my team mate acted in a weird way. And so on. But if I have understood the point of this course at all, this was supposed to happen! And more than a month later, I am still discovering new bits about what actually happened. Søren told us, he would do everything to "reflect" us (those projections again!) truly - and that a true, honest mirror hurts to look at. So a lot of pain came out - so we could work with it, and release it! There was emphasis on working 3 ways: physically, emotionally, and with learning a new life philosophy. The physical way was introduced with the Rosen method. Being a very gentle method, where the body is simply touched, or maybe stretched a little, this is supposed to release emotions and memories, again so work can be done with them. I tried, liked it, and will try some more, combining it with the 2 other aspects. Our life philosophy seems to be merely a lot of decisions - and some of those decisions are really dumb! A Danish proverb goes "Don't fly any higher than the wings can carry you - or better yet, stay at the ground" - with a philosophy like that, nobody will ever even try going for a perfect, excellent life! The theory goes: at some point, we experienced emotional pain - then we made a decision, that made the pain disappear, or maybe just lessen - but later that pain/decision showed up in the body instead. Some of the work we did was to try to find the point in time where some original decision was taken (and made sense, and wasn't dumb at all) - expose that decision to the light of day, try to release that decision, while experiencing the pain, that we avoided by taking that decision. Again, I tried doing it, and it seems to do something for me, so I'll try working with this some more. One of the exercises was writing a wish list. 5 items, that really makes it tickle to think about. One of my wishes is: I want to go to New York on the Concorde. As I am not wealthy, and as the Concorde isn't going anywhere at the moment, that might seem like an unreachable target. But boy, I tell you, for some reason it tickles when I think about it! And once this item is on my wish list, I can work on getting there - I guess my main work here will be to get the money together. Created: 15 December, 2005 - Last changed: 15 December, 2005 - Comments (0) |